Friday, 23 April 2010

Haleema Minhas-Evaluation Q4- Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our Media product is aimed at teenagers. It is suitable for ages over 14, but our main aim is 17 to 18 year old teenagers. In our psychological thriller, we have characters and storylines that are suitable for teenagers and are the king of storylines , teenagers would watch, e.g: the main storyline of our media product is about a schoolgirl, who becomes obsessed by a new teacher. Her obsession causes her to shut out the people around her, including her best friend Phoebe.

The image shows how obsessed Lucy is, which leads her to having images of the teacher.

This is where Lucy is in class drawing the teacher, Mr Collinson.

We wanted to use two different characters as Best friends , an outgoing social girl and a girl is not very social and doesn't have many friends around her. As well as making a different storyline we also wanted to this to puzzle our audience, as that is the aim of an psychological thriller.
Our characters are similar to the characters from popular, a Tv series created in 1999, by Gina Mathews and Ryan Mathews.
The difference between our character and the characters in popular are that the two girls used to be best friends until they 're social status separated them from each other.

Our aim was to approach the storyline that happen in real life. As the main characters in our psychological thriller, are teenagers, we are targeting this age group, as they will find it interesting and would be able to relate to it.

In our film , we used a teacher (Mr Graham) , to play the part of Lucy's teacher, Mr Collinson, who she obsesses about.

Lucy's obsessive behaviour leads her to stick computer printed images of Mr Collinson in her locker.

Here , Lucy is watching across the class in jealousy as, Mr Collinson makes a joke with two other students.

There are television Dramas that have similar storylines, e.g: Hollyoaks which is a teenage drama, that comes on channel 4. This has storylines with obsessive behaviour towards liking a teacher.

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