Friday 26 March 2010

Synoptic Day

On Wednesday 17th March, we had a media synoptic day at school, starting at 9am finishing at 5pm. At the start of the day we got together as a group to decide what our plan for the day was, and how we could use this opportunity in order to help us to the fullest.

Period 1: Making of props for our film E.g. height chart and prison board for mug shots, getting pictures ready for locker scene.
Period 2: Choosing appropriate background music which will fit well with our thriller.
Period 3: filming toilet scene with our two actresses. Equipment needed: Camera, tripod and microphone.
Period 4: Editing previous scene we filmed.
Period 5: Filming in classroom with Mr Graham teaching whole class.
Period 6: Editing previous scene we filmed.

The day began in an ordered and positive manner, we made our props and had them ready by the end of period 1 like planned, period 2 was spent productively as well we researched more on psychological thrillers to give us fresh ideas in terms of how music and atmosphere should be.
At the start of period 3 we got all the equipment we needed to start filming the toilet scene with our two actresses. We wanted it to be perfect and that took longer than planned however this was not a problem because we understood time and effort is needed to make a good film, we were in high spirits when we finally had that scene rapped up, even if it ran into period 4. We played back the scene we had just filmed and realised that the sound on our camera was not working and we would not be able to use that scene.

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