Thursday 4 February 2010

The Butterfly Effect - Product research.

The opening stars with a quote from a theory, which is followed by diegetic eery type of music, which soon fades, when the titles appear.At this point the camera is panning dark windows, which makes the viewer think that there is someone behind the window. The scene then changes pace and becomes fast as a man rushes in the room follwed by loud dramatic music which creates confusion,and the audience questions why he is running. His clothes then show the audience that he may be a patient in the hospital.As he writing , there are other voices heard in the background which suggeests that he may be running from something. The audience are then aware of what he is writing as there is a close up of the words 'Save her'. The scene then cuts to a black background which has a x ray image of a skull with a butterfly fluttering over it. As the title appears the music gets louder then fades as the film begins.

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